Install Firefox 4 beta 2 in Ubuntu using PPA

July 3, 2017


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Firefox 4 has been making some buzz around. With the browser market heating up, none of the companies want to stay behind and Firefox 4 is an effort in such direction by Mozilla. Firefox 4 will be a little more slimmer and will have some neat features including a revamped UI. The beta version of the browser is out though for Linux the version doesn’t have any significant UI changes thought the features are slowly starting to emerge. Once such feature is app tabs. This feature is same as Pin tab feature in Google Chrome.

Test it yourself today by installing the Firefox 4 beta 2 on Ubuntu.

Open a terminal window and paste the following lines (one after another) and hit enter.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install firefox-4.0
Once installed you can find it under Applications > Internet > Shiretoko Web Browser. In order to start and app tab, just right click on the tab and select app tab.
If you face error while installing Firefox 4 beta 2, type the following commands in the terminal.
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/firefox-4.0b2pre/firefox-4.0 /usr/bin/firefox-4.0
sudo apt-get -f install